Evaluation of Antibacterial Property of Colchicum luetum L. Medicinal Plant of North Western Himalaya


The current study examines the antimicrobial potential of aqueous and ethanolic extracts derived from Colchicum luetum Baker, medicinal plant with numerous medicinal effects. The bacteria’s selected viz. Staphylococcus aureus,Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli.Five differential combinations i.e.,(10,30,50,80 and 100 mg ml-1)about the two aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Colchicum luetum act used in contrast to the mentioned above bacterial strains.Ethanolic extract demonstrate significantly high antibacterial action across Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Staphylococcus aureus also Escherichia coli; alongside area about resistance (14±0.27 mm),(20±0.27 mm) and (17±0.14 mm) by 100 mg/ml.The research windup certain herb grab innovative admixture amidst important antibacterial properties. Desolation along with characterizing about these innovative compounds keep administer strong animicable worker,thus counteracting disease causing organisms.The findings indicate the potential use of extracts from the plant to develop new organic antibacterial products.It’s corms and seeds could be a natural source for the pharmaceutical industry Therefore, pharmaceutical Industries can manufacture the drugs against these bacterial diseases.