Note on Eco-hydrology Approaches in Agricultural Sustainability Improvements and Climate Change Mitigation


Increasing current crop production and productivity is the last option to feed the world population may reach 10 billion in with next maximum of twenty five years. The African developing countries estimated to reach around two billion. Currently, around eight million people of sub Saharan African countries fail under malnourished. However, the general goals of world food security double current production and innovate appropriate climate change adaptation technologies. The disturbances of natural system of food chain and complexes under the ecosystem are the most challenge in to achieve the world food security objective. More, the correlations among disturbed natural system and climate change threaten to the current existed life and next generation if not interferences of correction. Majorities of the world class categorized good in productive and well in economy at northern and southern pole are under fear of the increasing of sea currency due to ice melting,  LALINA, while tropical countries are under the stress of rainfall, ELLINO and water table shortages. All this needs special focus to develop adaptation technologies emerging from union of different disciplines. Eco-hydrology is one of the departments initiated from several departments focused on ecology and hydrology. Developing suitable mutuality system of organic and inorganic in ecosystem with water body is crucial for this century. About 70 to 75% of this planet is covered by water body. It covers tremendous advantages and disadvantages immersed in water bodies. Thus any life cannot exist and smoothly continue without optimum water requirement for surviving. Finally, maintaining water bodies with its constituents and dry land ecosystem is the most important, basic, and only way to achieve crop production improvements with sustainable production under eco-hydrology