Osteoporosis: Better-Bone prevention


If you think that only a glass of milk will make your bones stronger, then that thinking needs to be modified. The ads would give you the idea that dairy goods are your bones' best friends. Our bones degenerate and grow like other tissues within the body. The bones have optimum density when you are young and have a healthy diet which makes it solid. When you age at 30 the bones lose mass and make them weaker. Over time the bones become brittle, and you might have 'osteoporosis' with a gross loss of bone density. Having decreased bone density makes the bone fragile and brittle (porosis=porous bones). Because of weak bone, a simple fall can lead to fracture as one ages. Women must pay attention to this because their danger is four times greater than that of men. You may have seen or met several elderly women who have hip fractures or arm fractures. This is because of the bone-protecting hormone since menopause oestrogen decreases. Think building up bone density as your pension fund. Throughout your young age, you have to invest consistently to obtain its benefits when needed. Osteoblasts are bone-forming cells that make the bones strong with the aid of minerals and vitamins. Osteoclasts are those cells that split the bone to provide the rest of the body with calcium. Consider osteoblasts as a hero with bone-building power when you're young but as you age, even the heroes ages and osteoclasts take over. This results in greater bone breakdown. So if you've not spent well in younger years, you're more likely to suffer from osteoporosis when you're older. DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) scan: This measures the density of the bone. It is a simple and painless process. If you have passed the 40 mark DEXA scan is smart. After all, it would not hurt! It affects 50 percent of women and 20 percent of men over the age of 50. Smoking and an unhealthy diet increase the risk. There are usually no symptoms of osteoporosis. You may come to know when there is a fracture after a minor incident. Areas affected are the hip, bones of the spine, and wrist. A proper diet with ample quantities of minerals, vitamins, and proteins is enough to keep the bones healthy and strong.

International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine and Public health broadcasts peer-reviewed content covering a wide range of non-surgical clinical aspects which includes disease prognosis, pathological manifestations, and medical counseling. The journal lays special emphasis on contributions that address the emerging challenges in the diagnosis and clinical investigation of complex and important diseases in adults that necessitate a cross-specialization approach. IJCRIMPH has the goal to become the place where outstanding clinical studies can be published; furthermore, this purpose is intended to be synonymous with improving the quality of healthcare in internal medicine.

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