Review of Protein Pathway System by Utilizing Compound Resources
Basic issue with proteomics and systems biology. An enormous quantity of knowledge about many organisms has been gathered during the last ten years, both at the genetic and metabolic levels. Collected, organised, and methodically kept in a variety of niche databases, including KEGG,EcoCyc, MetaCyc, ENZYME, and BRENDA. With the use of these data, it is now possible to such a crucial issue. In this article, we examined established regulatory mechanisms in utilising various (biological and visual) features extracted from each of the 17,069 protein-formed systems, 169 of which are recognised regulatory pathways, or positive pathways.KEGG pathways were used, however 16,900 of them were unfavorable—that is, they weren't formed as biologically meaningful route. Through cross-validation, it was discovered that the overall success rate in identifying the good paths was 79.88 percent. Although the results are still preliminary, it is hoped that this innovative technique and good outcome will inspire further research into this crucial issue.