To Lead and Stress during Pregnancy on Offspring Neurodevelopment during Single and Combined Exposure
To examine links between lead and stress exposures throughout various periods of pregnancy and the neurodevelopment of the foetus. Methods: In the Shanghai Birth Cohort from 2013 to 2016, we assessed levels of maternal stress and prenatal lead. Midway through the pregnancy, the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale and Self-Rating Anxiety Scale were used to measure maternal stress. To evaluate neurodevelopment, the Ages-Stages-Questionnaires-3 and Bayley-III (at 24-months-of-age) were both employed. Prenatal lead and stress measurements were taken on a total of 2132 mother-child pairs. The geometric averages of cord blood lead and blood lead in early pregnancy were 1.46 g/dL and 1.33 g/dL, respectively. Anxiety and depression were detected in 1.89% and 0.14% of the study's female participants, respectively. After controlling for associated variables, combined exposures showed worse effects on children's social-emotional abilities than single exposures, especially combined exposure during early pregnancy.